
When we break negative cycles from our past, love wins.

When the voice that says "I am enough" is louder than the voice that says, "You're not worth it", (self) love wins.

When we recognize (and despise) widely-accepted lies about who other people are (stereotypes), love wins.

When we experience a stranger acting in pure kindness and generosity with no agenda other than to bless, love wins.

When we don't give up on something right, no matter how unpopular, love wins.

When we hold our tongue when it's easy to join a verbal assault, love wins.

When we surface above our pain to help others in theirs, love wins.

When we choose to empathize and not get defensive, even though we disagree, love wins.

Sadly, we can offer love without someone accepting it. It's rejected because of hurt, anger or shame (in my observations). Regardless, for those who give it without expectation and with grace, love still wins.

When we genuinely listen, love wins.

I've begged the Author of Love for wisdom and peace this week. He answered my prayer in the most unusual place.

In the lyrics of a fairly unknown country band BlackHawk's song "I Will" is my desperate plea to the people in my country, my state, my community and my friends:

"So don't push me out and I won't pull you in. But I won't let love lose if you'll just let love win."

Our ideas and beliefs might be wildly different. Perhaps even our definition of love.
But don't push me out.

When we resist the urge to fear or fight ...
Love wins.


Stop telling kids to be good.


2 things I learned from the worst client experience ever