The table was filled with some of my favorite faces, except one. Someone had invited her to our lunch and I had never seen her before. My friends introduced me to her and immediately I knew who she was. In fact, I knew a lot about her. Just that morning I was reading an online Christian magazine. She happened to be a guest writer describing her journey through cancer. Cancer at 20 years old.

That was last year and I'm thrilled that Haley Bellows and I became friends. I remember reading her blogs and being amazed at how someone could be so painfully honest about fear and frustration while clinging so authentically to God. Most of us can't handle both. But in Haley's life, it's her reality. Because Haley's cancer has gone in and out of remission (she was also diagnosed with a second kind of cancer this year), a few weeks ago Haley chose a more aggressive treatment. And she was starting to lose her hair. Despite knowing it was going to be difficult, despite feeling insecure about a bald head, despite the significance of this milestone in her journey - she invited her close friends to a head shaving 'party'.

Wednesday night, friends gathered around Haley to eat dinner, laugh, and watch in admiration as she shaved her head.


I've had a few people surprised I'd wear a shirt that says 'EFF CANCER'. And some might be silently offended. And I'm okay with that. I understand people not liking the shirt. But here's what I know: I hate cancer. I want to throw every curse word at cancer.

And if I get the opportunity to do that AND help my friend fight it, then I will.

Proudly. Boldly.

Haley, I love your transparency. I love your honesty. I love your faithfulness to our sovereign God. I love that you honor Him no matter what; in remission or relapses. I love you Haley Bellows. And I love the God that sustains you. I gladly join you in exclaiming,  Eff cancer!

oh and #baldissexy


What took me 8 years to learn as a wife...


Family of Four